40's Love

What happens when you fall in Love in your 40's?

When you are sure there is no emotion left in you?

It's like those unread pages of your favorite book, eager to read, but wish those pages never ended.  Those pages fill you with intoxicating joy and exhilarating agony.

Every kiss makes you feel wanted.

Every hug makes you feel safe.

You can’t fake your emotions anymore.

Your unsaid words are easily understood.

There is magic in the conversations that eases the pain.

The memories of togetherness fuel you to live everyday with the hope of recreating a better kiss, a tighter hug, and a deeper love

You also get to be the last love of a seasoned lover which is one of the best things that can happen to you.

He will not trouble you with the immaturity of a first-time lover.

There are no clouds of indignity.

There are no resounding love fights.

He flows into you like a river without whirlpools.

He is the rain on the ocean.

He is the spring flower in the desert.

He may never bring autumn in your life.

He will teach you to brave your winters and bring back the sunshine.

The dents of the past and the worn edges of our hearts are mended. We will never have to fight the battle alone.

Finally, You are Home!!!!!!                                                                                   


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