Prospect of Life n Love.......


When your ship of life hits the iceberg , you will run with all your might towards a life boat . Unlucky ones shall perish. I got lucky enough to find my place. It's my second chance in Life & Love . I am giving it my all once again. It's my turn to be happy and I'm happy for my shipwreck. 

This was a storm we both were deliberately avoiding. But we were thrown into this whirlpool called Love without even us realizing. Sometimes things are beyond our control. I couldn't help but fall in love with him completely , insanely and passionately. This was one of the unacceptable corners of life you could be in. But still it was the most perfect thing to do.

Then came that single moment which changed my Life forever. Love knocked and Life smiled at me .     In one moment all the happiness which drained from my life came surging back to me. This time I wanted to listen to no one else ,but me - my heart. I wanted to feel alive once again.

You are the very reason why I want to Live , the very hope that it will be with you.


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